воскресенье, 25 декабря 2016 г.


  1. check these words 
  2. physical физическая
  3. adrenaline адреналин
  4. human race человеческий род
  5. adapt адаптироваться
  6. evolve эволюционировать
  7. verbal abuse словесные оскорбления
  8. physical aggression физическая агрессия
  9. mental health душевное здоровье
  10. blood pressure кровяное давление
  11. insomnia кровяное давление
  12. depression депрессия
  13. heart attack инфаркт
  14. merely просто
  15. toicking bomb бомба замедленного действия 
  16. vital жизненно важно
  17. release релиз
  18. unwind размотать
  19. channel канал
Ex 4 
1 emotional 
2 human race 
3  brisk walk 
4 physical aggression 
5 mental health 
6 blood pressure 
7 verbal abuse 
8 ticking time bomb 
9 deep breathing 
10 release endorphins 

воскресенье, 18 декабря 2016 г.

the best deal with stress

For fighting with stress you must follow the rules:
1. Relax. 
You may be surprised at how quickly can relax your psyche, if you learn to relax physically. You may have noticed that in a situation of stress you have the muscle tension. This physiological response to stress.
Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can make you susceptible to stress and complicate relief from anxiety and depression. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, you have trouble sleeping, insomnia, or you wake up long before the alarm clock and then can not sleep, and in the morning feeling weakness and fatigue - may you have an anxiety disorder or depression. Even if you do not have these diseases - insomnia can make you more prone to stress and more alarming. 

воскресенье, 11 декабря 2016 г.


Internet the most userful things and one of the best inventions in the world. Because with interent you can made all. You can communicate with people from different countryes, buy, have a good time, play, work. Exist some servises like:iTunes, ebay, aliexpres, google. 
Also internet help for studing. You may use something sourses where you can take information for your work (essay, report and ect.). But parth of students can take answer in control work. 

воскресенье, 4 декабря 2016 г.


The aim of this report is to suggest of make children hospital more pleasant place for children.
So children feel at home.
The decor and some the facilities are in need of warm tones and colors. Firstly , I would recommend that the all internal parth of hospinal paint it in the colors with something figures from cartoons heroes. Also the child can chose where can live : with another children or alone.
Secondly , I strongly suggest that TVs, free Wi-Fi ,gamming consoles and toys must be installed in each ward for that children do not feel the stress. Doing this would make the hospital not restrict for children.
All in all , I feel that improved not only decor and facilities but can help for children make fun and happy in difficult time.